Monday, October 21, 2013

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to Turn Left at the Kitten Billboard, a blog I'm starting with little expectation that anybody will actually read it except, perhaps, me. I wanted a little corner of the Internet where I could play a little. Don't expect a lot of drama, as I've posted drama in the past and have been heartily sorry for it each and every time.

I didn't know what to call my blog. I love animals, dolls, toys, knitting, crocheting, nail polish, movies/TV (HGTV in particular), reading, and makeup (not necessarily in that order). Animals will always come first on that list. I didn't want to pigeonhole my blog by calling it a "doll lover's blog" or "me loves to snorgle puppies." Therefore, I came up with a quote I've said more than once in my lifetime that speaks to my particularly hopeless sense of direction. Whenever somebody would say "Go East on..." I would have to interrupt and say, "Look, unless the sun is rising or setting at that particular moment, I have no idea where East is. If you could tell me to turn left at the kitten billboard, THAT I can handle."

Here, you can expect to see random makeup and nail polish reviews, doll talk, craft talk, home improvement talk, pet talk. Sounds scintillating, doesn't it? I thought so, too.

Today's post is brought to you by the letter "M." Peace out.

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