Monday, November 25, 2013

My tidy makeup organizers

This is far from all of my makeup, but it is a good portion of it. I have a billion urban decay eye pencils. Every so often I sort through my ton of makeup. I should do it more often than I currently do! I got the organizers at Office depot and the little glasses are tealights, great for shorter pencils and tiny things.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Beauty Broadcast & Emily
I've become completely obsessed with Emily's Beauty Broadcast blog and her youtube videos. She does a lot of great reviews on drug store makeup, which I LOVE, and reviews high-end products, too. She is rather disgustingly beautiful so I'm not too sure how helpful her tutorials are, because, try as I might, I really don't look anything like her when I'm done. Still, she seems very sweet, has a cat that she adores, and has a neat personality on camera.  Check her out. This is a recent Walmart Haul. It's all Emily's fault.
Walmart haul by tubbysnuggles
Walmart haul, a photo by tubbysnuggles on Flickr.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

took this pic after work last week

My company posted this picture on our internal website that I took of our campus after work. I got such a nice response from a lot of people asking what camera I used, what type of lens, etc...

I felt a little sheepish admitting it was just my iphone with a camera+ app filter. They were sort of acting like I am a master photographer!